Yearly Tuition$4600 Paid in Full July
$4800 (4 Payment of $1200 July, October, January, April) $5000 (10 Monthly Payments of $500 July-April) Class FeesK-5 Book Fee - $350 Yearly
6-12 Book Fee - $400 Yearly Lab Fee (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy) - $100 AP Classes - $60 per Semester |
Administrative FeesApplication/Registration Fee - $250
New Student Assessment - $30 Supply Fee - $150 Yearly Additional FeesSenior Graduation Fee (Cap, Gown, Diploma, Ceremony, 2 College Transcript Mailings) - $250
Late Fees (After Five Day Grace Period) - 10% Late Fees (After Ten Days) - 10% Plus Suspension Late Fees (3rd Time) - Termination |
"Encompass Academy (Ms. Rainey) helped both of my teenage children accomplish their goals
of graduating high school. My daughters entered high school during the pandemic of 2020 and
immediately started to struggle, both academically and emotionally. My oldest daughter could
not find a way to be successful with online school. She also struggled to catch back up after
they returned to in-person learning. She was very frustrated and lost all confidence in herself.
My youngest started 9th grade the fall of 2019 and before she knew it, she was returning to in
person learning as an 11th grader. She too lost confidence in herself and her abilities to
succeeed academically. I was desperate to help both of my daughters gain their confidence
back and to help them graduate high school. I contacted Ms. Rainey and she literally look their
education over for me. I myself am a special needs elem school teacher and I too was
struggling as an educator and a mom. I was completely stressed out. . Ms. Rainey encouraged
my girls and not only did she help them meet their goal of graduation, but they exceeded this
goal. My oldest daughter caught up on her credits, all while working a full time job and she
graduated a year later. She was thrilled! She gained her confidence back and was so proud of
her accomplishment of earning her diploma. My youngest spent two full years at Encompass
Academy and also exceeded her own expectations. In May of 2023, she graduated
Valedictorian of her 2023 graduating class. In June of 2023, my daughters moved into an
apartment together in Kennesaw Ga so that my youngest could further her education at KSU.
My oldest works full time and with her high school diploma, she has so many more options open
to her for her future. My youngest attends KSU full time on a full academic scholarship. They
are both thriving, happy, and healthy! I can not say enough about what Encompass Academy
has done for my children and my family. Ms. Rainey has helped me every step of the way and is
still available to help me if needed. I am so thankful and blessed! I look back to 2019-2020 and I
thank God for opening this door for us and leading us to Encompass Academy. I truly do not
know where we would be without this excellent school!" ~ Kimberly B.
of graduating high school. My daughters entered high school during the pandemic of 2020 and
immediately started to struggle, both academically and emotionally. My oldest daughter could
not find a way to be successful with online school. She also struggled to catch back up after
they returned to in-person learning. She was very frustrated and lost all confidence in herself.
My youngest started 9th grade the fall of 2019 and before she knew it, she was returning to in
person learning as an 11th grader. She too lost confidence in herself and her abilities to
succeeed academically. I was desperate to help both of my daughters gain their confidence
back and to help them graduate high school. I contacted Ms. Rainey and she literally look their
education over for me. I myself am a special needs elem school teacher and I too was
struggling as an educator and a mom. I was completely stressed out. . Ms. Rainey encouraged
my girls and not only did she help them meet their goal of graduation, but they exceeded this
goal. My oldest daughter caught up on her credits, all while working a full time job and she
graduated a year later. She was thrilled! She gained her confidence back and was so proud of
her accomplishment of earning her diploma. My youngest spent two full years at Encompass
Academy and also exceeded her own expectations. In May of 2023, she graduated
Valedictorian of her 2023 graduating class. In June of 2023, my daughters moved into an
apartment together in Kennesaw Ga so that my youngest could further her education at KSU.
My oldest works full time and with her high school diploma, she has so many more options open
to her for her future. My youngest attends KSU full time on a full academic scholarship. They
are both thriving, happy, and healthy! I can not say enough about what Encompass Academy
has done for my children and my family. Ms. Rainey has helped me every step of the way and is
still available to help me if needed. I am so thankful and blessed! I look back to 2019-2020 and I
thank God for opening this door for us and leading us to Encompass Academy. I truly do not
know where we would be without this excellent school!" ~ Kimberly B.
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